Dog Throwing Up White Foam


Dog throwing up white foam

A dog owner seeing her pet’s foaming mouth is a cause for worry, especially if the owner doesn't know why it's happening. The dog could have eaten bad food or grass that caused a problem in his stomach. Whatever the cause, this could happen to your pet anytime. Knowing why this happens and knowing what to do in case a dog throws up white foam is relieving stress off of pet owners.


It also allows the dog to have the right medical treatment it needs. Read on to find out why this happens and what owners can do about it. 



My dog’s throwing up white foam: should I worry? 

First of all, if your dog is old and has a chronic illness, you should take him to the vet immediately. According to veterinarians at, senior dogs are generally weaker compared to younger dogs. Repeated vomiting episodes are detrimental to their weak bodies and could make their illness worse.


Similarly, a dog who is suffering from any chronic disease may also be puking because his disease could be becoming more serious. It is wise to take your pet immediately to a professional so proper medical care may be applied. Aside from that, immediate veterinary care can also prevent dehydration to set in. Among healthy dogs, puking may only mean indigestion problems.


Dogs are very curious about their surroundings and they may sometimes put some things in their mouth just to get the hang of it. Sometimes, dogs may try to eat grass and this could cause an upset stomach. 



What do I do if my dog is throwing up white foam? 

If you are an observant pet owner, you will most likely determine immediately if your dog has eaten something that could have upset his or her stomach. As mentioned above, swallowing grass is a bad idea for dogs. If your dog is throwing up, it could just be a momentary gas build-up in his gastrointestinal tract. If that is the case, your dog would most certainly be fine after a few moments.


However, if after a few moments, your pet starts to display heavy or difficulty in breathing, coughing, if your dog becomes weak and collapses, take him to the veterinarian immediately. If the puking is of a serious cause, a medical professional would be most appropriate to handle the case.


In simple cases, the dog may just be suffering from an upset stomach, and pet owners should just help calm the gases in the dog’s stomach. To do this, suggests withholding food for the dog for a maximum of 12 hours. And instead of water, opt for giving your dog ice until symptoms diminish. Re-introduce food in small servings. 


Give your pet food that is easily digested such as boiled rice and chicken sliced in small servings. According to the blog, if the dog finishes his meal, then he has already recovered from the gas problem.


Why is my dog throwing up? 

There are different answers as to why dogs vomit. Pet owners must take note of the following in the dog’s vomit: frequency, severity, length of time a dog vomits, the color of the vomit, and other accompanying symptoms that may signify more serious illnesses. Pet owners should also determine whether the vomiting is one-time (acute) or repetitive. 



Acute dog vomiting

Acute vomiting does not occur all the time and may come all of a sudden. This may be due to forcefully ejecting some contents in the stomach. The dog vomit may contain yellow bile or partially digested dog food, which often smells bad.  Here is a quick rundown of some reasons why a dog may vomit sometimes: 


Eating Something Bad

This usually occurs among younger dogs because they are more curious around them - sniffing here and there and even ransacking the garbage dump for some edible finds. Those who put toxic stuff in their mouths are likely to suffer from acute vomiting and so does a dog who eats a poisonous plant such as English ivy, mistletoe, castor bean, or just about any mushroom that sprouts in your backyard.


Also, eating objects that lodges in their stomach and remains undigested would become a chronic problem. 


Contagious diseases 

One of the contagious diseases that may make dogs vomit is Parvovirus. This is especially dangerous among younger dogs and certain types of dogs such as sled dogs, German Shepherds, Doberman Pinschers, and Labradors


Intestinal Parasites

Parasitic organisms may cause vomiting among dogs. Vomiting can be a tell-tale sign that a dog is carrying parasites, says.  Owners may sometimes see the actual worm released from the vomit or it may be seen from a stool sample following a laboratory test. 


Contaminated Water

Keep clean pet food water to avoid bacteria. 



Chronic dog vomiting

As opposed to acute vomiting, chronic vomiting is recurrent. Among young dogs, it could be due to parasitic infection. But in general, a vomiting dog may be seriously ill and this could only be known from medical tests conducted on the dog.


Inflammatory Bowel Disease or IBD 

This is inflammation of the stomach. To be sure, take a vomiting dog to the veterinarian immediately. 


Related: Why Is My Dog Throwing Up Blood?


Seven causes for dog throwing up white foam 

Here are possible causes why your dog is ejecting white foam in his mouth: 



Some dogs that eat fast may experience indigestion. 


Acid Reflux 

Canine Acid Reflux occurs when the digestive enzymes go into the esophagus, which causes discomfort and is highly dangerous because the acid tears the esophageal lining causing ulcers. 


Kennel Cough

According to, kennel cough is caused by viruses and is characterized by persistent coughing.  


Bloat says that Canine bloating is deadly. It is often characterized by a foamy vomit, bloated stomach, and inability to lie down. 



Does your dog like fatty foods or worse, do you have a habit of giving your dog fatty foods? While this is common among dogs who were diagnosed with pancreatitis, this is not the true cause of the disease. Experts at say this disease in dogs is often idiopathic or undetermined. Some breeds are more prone to contracting this disease such as English Cocker Spaniels. 


Kidney disease says this is more common among geriatric dogs. Symptoms include weakness, weight loss, diarrhea, and thirst. 



CPV or Canine Parvovirus - says that this is highly contagious to canines. Therefore, dogs should be vaccinated against this virus while they are young.


Final Thought

Home remedies are available for dogs with acute vomiting or with mild vomiting. points to Pepcid AC as one of the treatments that are available for a vomiting dog. Otherwise, it is best to take the dog to a veterinarian to find out the real cause of the vomiting and for immediate treatment to be given if the dog is suffering from a serious illness.


Remember to always provide your pet with clean fresh drinking water along with healthy food and treats.

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