Can My Dog Eat Eggs

Can my dog eat eggs? 


A question a lot of dog owners ask. Obviously, you’re one of them because you are reading this now. Maybe you can’t seem to make up your mind about whether to give your dog eggs. There are many misconceptions about feeding dogs eggs, particularly raw eggs. We already know that eggs are high in cholesterol, and giving them to your dog could pose a big health risk.


Add in the fact that raw eggs may contain salmonella, which could potentially cause biotin deficiency in dogs. So, to put your mind at ease, let us find out if your dog can eat eggs.


Quick Answer

The answer to this most important question is YES. Your dog can eat eggs.


Can I Feed My Dog Raw Eggs?

Yes, it is safe to feed your dog raw eggs. It is one of the healthiest treats you can give your dog.



Just like people, dogs can get salmonella. Feeding your dog raw eggs is quite controversial, considering the potential risk of infection. Or is it really?


The thing is, dogs are actually well-equipped to handle the bacteria found in raw foods. Still, there are a few things that you need to consider when you are choosing eggs for your dog. Selecting the appropriate eggs is essential for keeping bacteria levels at bay. But, raw eggs contain nutrients that could be beneficial to your pet dog’s health.


Some vets recommend feeding your dog raw eggs. It is also safe to give cooked eggs as they provide some of the necessary vitamins and minerals they need to stay healthy. On the other hand, raw eggs contain these essential vitamins and minerals. Cooking the eggs destroys some of the nutrients.


Related Article: Can Dogs Eat Raw Chicken?

Biotin Deficiency

Continuously feeding your dog raw eggs puts them at risk of developing biotin deficiency. Symptoms of biotin deficiency include skin lesions, scaly skin, scruffy appearance, reduced growth rate, dry and dull hair or coat, lethargy, diarrhea, anorexia, alopecia, and reduced growth rate. Biotin is an essential nutrient. If your dog doesn’t get enough biotin, they risk developing serious health problems.


Biotin is one of the complex B vitamins, just like thiamin, niacin, and riboflavin. Biotin is also referred to as Vitamin H. Biotin helps maintain your dog’s skin and coat. It is also good for muscle formation. It also promotes healthy digestion and improved energy. It also helps maintain adrenal gland and thyroid function.


Potential Side Effects of Giving Your Dog Eggs

One of the side effects most vets are concerned about is the possibility of contracting salmonella. Raw food contains bacteria such as E. Coli, salmonella, and listeria. However, there is still no concrete evidence concluding that feeding your dog raw eggs could harm them.


But, you should never feed your dog eggs with the shells on them. Eggshells are choking hazards. Your dog might also develop dental problems if shard cuts cut into their gums. Feeding your dog eggs could cause a nutritional imbalance. Raw eggs are rich in cholesterol. But continuous research should still be made to concretely prove that raw eggs are bad for your dogs’ health.

How Can Eggs be Bad for Dogs?

The risk of your dog consuming eggshell shards is huge, especially if you are feeding your dog raw eggs. Dog owners may continue to give their dogs raw eggs. They may contain large amounts of cholesterol, but that doesn’t significantly affect your dog’s health. Your dog might gain weight if you constantly feed them raw eggs. But, raw eggs alone do not result in weight gain—there are other factors to consider.


Eggs could also cause allergic reactions like swelling, coughing, sneezing, hives, or difficulty in breathing. You have to monitor your dog’s reaction, especially if you’re feeding them eggs for the first time. Remember, too much of a good thing may prove to be more dangerous. Everything should be in moderation.


Nutritional Value of Eggs for Dogs

Eggs contain fatty acids, which build and maintain cells. It also provides a delivery-system for all-important fat-soluble vitamins. Eggs also contain a wide range of essential vitamins that aid metabolic functions. Vitamins also ensure the immune system is functioning well. Here is a list of these vitamins:


  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamins B1, B6, and B12
  • Vitamin K
  • Folic acid
  • Riboflavin
  • Folic acid
  • Niacin
  • Choline

Health Benefits of Eggs for Dogs

Aside from the essential vitamins above, eggs contain protein and linoleic acid, which dogs need. Eggshells are rich in calcium and phosphorus, which are essential for growing dogs.


How Many Eggs Can Dogs Eat?

Start with one egg a day, or every other day. You have to closely observe your dog, so if their body reacts negatively to eggs, you can immediately bring them to the vet. Watch out for signs of diarrhea or vomiting. Keep eggs to just 10% of their daily caloric intake. You’d be surprised to know that eggs contain approximately 70 calories, so you have to be careful. You don’t want to overfeed your dog.


How to Give Your Dog Eggs

You have different options in giving eggs to your lovable pet dog. You can cook them – fried, poached, scrambled, hardboiled, etc. – or you can serve your dog raw eggs. You can even prepare a delicious omelet for you and your dog. But take note that you shouldn’t add ingredients that are potentially harmful, like garlic, onions, and chives.


You can use eggs when preparing oatmeal for your dog. Or, you can add eggs to their kibble meal. Choose eggs from free-range chickens or get organic eggs.



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