Can My Dog Eat Pineapple

Can My Dog Eat Pineapple? 


During the summer months, pineapples are one of the most popular fruits to eat. They are considered tropical fruits, as they are refreshing and healthy. Many people prefer to eat them fresh, but there are other options, like frozen, dried, grilled, or served in a salad. Pineapple can be sweet or tangy.


If it’s safe for us humans to eat pineapples however we want to, but can my dog eat pineapple too? This is a huge concern because if you are a responsible dog owner, you want to know what food to give (and avoid giving) your beloved pet dog.


Continue reading to learn more.


Quick Answer

So, to answer the question, can my dog eat pineapple?”: yes. But, only in small amounts.


Can Dogs Eat Pineapple?

You can feed your dog pineapple in moderation, though there are pet owners who skip this fruit because of its high sugar content. You have to take note, though, that while it is not toxic for your pet dog, you should still monitor your dog for any unusual reactions like upset stomach, especially after you fed them with pineapple for the first time.


If in doubt, you can always consult a veterinarian before giving something that they don’t usually eat.


Potential Side Effects of Giving Your Dog Pineapples

There’s no doubt that pineapples are safe and healthy, and they are beneficial for your dog’s health. However, it doesn’t mean that you should permanently include pineapples in your dog’s daily diet. They are healthy, but there could be potential side effects.


  • Sugar in pineapples may cause decay


Pineapples contain large amounts of sugar. One thin slice (about 56 grams) of pineapple can contain approximately 6 grams of sugar. Fruits and other food groups containing high concentration of sugar will speed up the decay of your pet’s teeth. It gets worse if you don’t brush your dog’s teeth consistently. Pineapple’s high sugar content might also cause gastric problems, stomach pain, diarrhea, and vomiting.


  • Constipation


While pineapples contain fiber, your dog can suffer constipation if they consume too much. This is hard to believe since the fiber in pineapples is typically beneficial to the digestive system. However, fiber will soak up water. So, excess fiber in your dog’s system could potentially harden their stool if your dog doesn’t drink sufficient amounts of water.


  • Unripe pineapples can trigger adverse reactions in dogs


There is no question that pineapples contain vitamins and minerals that are good for your dog’s health. However, unripe pineapples might have some serious health risks, not just for your dog but also for you. The juice from an unripe pineapple might cause vomiting in dogs. It contains bromelain enzyme, which may trigger negative reactions like skin rash, diarrhea, and nausea.


Eating unripe pineapples may cause possible swelling around your dog’s mouth. How to know if a pineapple is ripe enough for your pet dog to consume? The fruit’s bottom part is its most fragrant part. Smell the whole fruit, starting from the bottom up to the crown. If there is a sweet smell, then the fruit is ripe already. But if the fruit doesn’t have any scent at all, it means that it doesn’t have enough sugar yet and thus is not ripe enough to be given to your dog.


How Can Pineapples Be Bad for Dogs?

Feeding excessive amounts of pineapple could be bad for your dog. Remember that pineapples have high sugar content. Hence, it can cause obesity or high sugar levels in the blood if they eat too much of the fruit. Pineapples could also trigger diabetes in dogs. You should consult a vet first if your dog has health conditions before giving them anything new, pineapples included.


You should also watch out for stomach upsets when you feed your dog pineapples. Additionally, the core of the pineapple is indigestible and could cause intestinal blockages if they accidentally eat it. Ensure that you also have the spiny skin peeled off before feeding the fruit to your dog.


The Nutritional Value of Pineapples

Pineapples contain the following essential vitamins and minerals:


  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamin)
  • Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid)
  • Vitamin B6
  • Manganese
  • Copper
  • Fiber
  • Folate


Health Benefits of Pineapples

Feeding your dog pineapples could benefit them:


  • This tropical fruit contains 82% water, so it keeps your dog hydrated, especially on a hot day.
  • Pineapples have antioxidants that aid in the repair of damaged cells.
  • The Vitamin C in pineapples helps boost their immune system and can combat inflammation.
  • Vitamin B6 is essential for brain and body functions by regulating fluid balance and hormones, building proteins, and supporting neurotransmitters.
  • The various minerals support strong ligaments and tissues and keep your dog’s skin and coat healthy.
  • The enzyme bromelain has powerful anti-inflammatory properties.


How Much Pineapple Can Dogs Eat

Usually, a few chunks of raw pineapple may be enough for most dogs. Just make sure that they are peeled and sliced into small, bite-sized portions. Start with two to three small pieces first to see if your dog likes it or if they react negatively.


Is Pineapple Safe for Dogs?

It is generally safe to give them pineapple; just make sure that you are not giving them too much fruit. Fresh, raw pineapple is better than canned. Consult with the vet if you notice harmful side effects.


How to Give Your Dog Pineapple

Remember to feed your dog pineapples in moderation. You may give them frozen pineapple pieces to keep them refreshed during the hot summer months. But, keep a close eye on the frozen treats as hard blocks could be a choking hazard. Your best option is to give them fresh pineapples as a treat, core and skin removed. Cut them into small, bite-sized cubes for easier portion control.


Don’t give your dog dried pineapples as these usually contain high amounts of sugar.


Homemade Pineapple Treat Ideas

There are several ways to give pineapples as a treat:


  • Pureed pineapple frozen in ice-cube trays helps keep them hydrated
  • Make pineapple smoothies; add more fresh fruits and vegetables for a delicious treat
  • Make pineapple ice cream



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