Why Is My Dog Peeing Blood


Finding blood in your dog's urine can be a sign of underlying health issues, such as an infection or inflammation. These can be serious conditions, especially if only a few drops of pee are accompanied by pain. Seeing blood in your dog's urine is never a good sign, but what if it invites other symptoms?


As a dog owner, you deserve to have peace of mind— remind yourself not to panic, find the real cause and start from there. The good news is that finding blood in your dog's urine is an easily treatable condition. As long as you stay prepared and knowledgeable about potential causes, you can quickly take care of your dog without any further complications!





Why Is My Dog Peeing Blood?

There may be a few reasons why your dog has hematuria or the condition of peeing blood. Sometimes blood clots can form in the internal organs connected to the dog's urinary tract, falling into the dog's urine. Internal bleeding may result from:


  • Infection
  • Inflammation
  • Bladder stones
  • Kidney stones
  • Bladder infection
  • Previous surgery


When you spot blood from your dog's pee, your dog likely has problems in their bladder or kidneys. 


Related Article: Why Is My Dog Throwing Up Blood?



Possible Causes Why There's Blood in the Dog's Urine

Let's take a look at the possible reason for what may cause internal bleeding in your dog's bladder or kidneys.


  • Bladder stones form in the bladder due to urinary tract infections and mineral or pH imbalances. These stones stress the bladder walls and cause them to bleed.
  • Infection in the lower urinary tract develops malformations in the bladder. These malformations can cause damage to the urinary tract walls and lead to bleeding.
  • While kidney stones are uncommon, they may form and pass on the ureters, causing trauma and bleeding.
  • Bacteria can get into the dog's kidneys and cause a urinary tract infection called pyelonephritis. It may cause inflammation and bleeding, then show on the dog's urine.
  • Toxins present in rat poisons can cause blood to appear in the dog's pee if accidentally consumed.
  • For males, blood in the urine may come from prostatic disease.  
  • For female dogs, it may come from pyometra, a discharge of pus and blood. This discharge goes for unspayed female dogs 2-8 weeks after the heat cycle. (In some cases, hematuria can be a symptom of more serious issues.)


How to Diagnose Hematuria

Since there are many possible causes of having blood in urine, your veterinarian must perform careful tests to properly diagnose the condition. The diagnostic tests depend on how the physical exam turns out. Before going to the veterinarian, observe your dog's pee and, if possible, take a urine sample.


When you go to a vet's clinic, your dog will undergo a series of tests to confirm that they have hematuria. Here are some of the tests they may go through. Your veterinarian will run through your dog's previous medical records and history to look for preexisting conditions that may have developed into hematuria. They will go through chemical blood tests, blood count tests, and a urinalysis.


Physical Examination

On your visit, expect your veterinarian to check your dog's genitals, touch your dog's abdomen, kidneys, prostate, and bladder to search for any abnormalities.


Blood Chemistry Strip Test

These are strip tests to find certain chemicals present in your dog's bloodstream that may be behind hematuria.


Complete Blood Count

This test involves evaluating your dog's red blood cells or white blood cells to identify his current health state.



Urinalysis is a test that analyzes the urine to help the vet find possible infections in your dog's pee.


Other Tests

Depending on the result of the physical examination, your vet may request other tests. 


  • Catheterization
  • X-ray 
  • Ultrasound
  • Vaginoscopy or cystoscopy
  • Endoscopy
  • Biopsy





How Can It Be Treated?

After a series of tests, your vet will come up with a diagnosis. The treatment depends on the diagnosis.


If your dog has a urinary tract infection (UTI):

Your vet will likely prescribe antibiotics. If UTI is associated with bladder stones, your vet may prescribe a specific diet to dissolve the crystals. 


If your dog has a bladder stone:

Struvites can dissolve with prescribed medicines or a special diet. Other bladder stones may need surgery to remove them.


If your dog suffers from trauma:

Supportive care is one of the treatments for trauma. Your dog needs continuous monitoring and some rest to recover. You may want to look into some natural remedies for mild discomfort. If it's intense your dog may have to take prescribed medications to relieve the pain caused by injuries.


Related Article: Home Remedies for Dog Pain


If your dog has a bleeding disorder:

When bleeding disorders are caused by poisoning, the doctor can sometimes treat it with vitamin K. Dogs taking antibiotics should be continuously monitored and medicated. Dogs that need dietary modification should be also be closely monitored and followed.



What Should I Do About It?

Confirm your dog's urine discoloration by using a white cloth when your dog urinates. Before going to your vet, try taking samples. Safely place it in a container and store it in a refrigerator. 



Causes of Blood in the Upper Urinary Tract

A dog's upper urinary tract may bleed because of vasculitis, neoplasia, cystic or familial kidney disease, nephritis, kidney stones, or trauma.





Causes of Blood in the Lower Urinary Tract

A dog's lower urinary tract may bleed because of inflammation, bladder malformations, stones, or neoplasia. 



Possible Risk

These breeds are more prone to develop bladder stones than others:


  • Dalmatian
  • Shih Tzu
  • Lhasa Apso
  • Bichon Frise
  • Yorkshire Terrier


Signs and Symptoms

Aside from blood sightings in your dog's urine, some signs can get even more worrisome.


  • Frequent urination
  • Difficulty in peeing, like squatting or shaking
  • Licks his groin
  • Causes many accidents lately
  • Painful urination
  • Weight loss
  • Vomiting
  • Lethargy


Recovery from Hematuria

If your dog is going through treatment, make sure to follow its diet and medication strictly. You want to see your dog back to life. Monitor his recovery, especially if they have undergone surgery.



How to Prevent Urinary Problems in Dogs

Perhaps the best way to prevent urinary problems in your dog is to make him drink more fluid. Drinking more fluid prompts his bladder to drain. Add different fluids to his water like chicken broth, soy milk, or rice milk. Note that cow's milk can be difficult for some dogs to digest so it's probably best to avoid it.


Always bring your dog out so they can pee frequently. Mix apple cider into his water. Vitamin C, probiotics, and prebiotics are good supplements to consider incorporating into his diet.





Final Thoughts

Remember to have the presence of mind the moment you spot blood in your dog's urine. Keep in mind that in most cases, hematuria can be treated. One thing to note is to be completely honest to your veterinarian when they ask about your dog's condition. Answer their questions honestly because it will pave the way for an accurate diagnosis. With a correct diagnosis, your vet can provide accurate prescription and treatment to keep your pup as healthy and happy as possible!




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